NEW TENEKIL PLUS USAGE Pre-Construction One part of New Tenekil plus Mixed with eighty parts of water to make 1.25% solution. Solution to be applied at the rate of 5 liters per 10 square feet to be whole area. After excavation of foundation this solution to be applied again at the rate of 5 liters per 10 square feet on…
F1 Generation: The first generation of hybrid seeds is referred to as "F1," where "F" stands for "filial," meaning offspring. F1 hybrids usually exhibit what’s known as "hybrid vigor," meaning they often grow better or stronger than either of the parent plants. Germination Time: Onion seeds typically take 7-14 days to germinate, depending on the soil temperature and moisture. Keep…
Germination Time: Onion seeds typically take 7-14 days to germinate, depending on the soil temperature and moisture. Keep the soil consistently warm and moist. If you are germinating seeds indoors, ensure the room temperature is in the ideal range.
Go-Organic Organic Compost and Multipurpose Fertilizer for Plants, Lawn and Garden By Go-Organic The best compost for kitchen gardening. Now you can grow vegetables, fruits, herbs, flowers and other plants in your garden. Grow your own food, eat fresh and healthy food in all seasons. Growing your own food is better for your diet. You’ll naturally consume a higher amount…
Bone meal acts as a great fertilizer for a few key reasons. The first is that it's a great source of phosphorus, which is an essential nutrient for plants to help them Blood meal is water-soluble and can be used as a liquid fertilizer. If you're replanting the same garden bed year after year, blood meal will be beneficial, as…
F1 Generation: The first generation of hybrid seeds is referred to as "F1," where "F" stands for "filial," meaning offspring. F1 hybrids usually exhibit what’s known as "hybrid vigor," meaning they often grow better or stronger than either of the parent plants. Germination Time: Pea seeds usually take about 7-14 days to germinate, depending on soil temperature and moisture. Be…
Germination Time: Pea seeds usually take about 7-14 days to germinate, depending on soil temperature and moisture. Be patient, as the seeds will start to sprout after this period. If the weather is too hot, germination may be slower.