A colorful, statuesque mix of tropical splendors. Juicy color combinations: deep green leaves topped with creamy chartreuse and yellow, purple with red, and a tricolor mix of red, green and gold. A fine addition to the back of the border. Space 12-18″ apart.
Balsam has an exotic look with lovely double flowers placed along the stem in a wide range of colours from White, Purple, Rose, Pink, Violet, Scarlet and Red/White stripe. It can be used for borders and for bedding. An unusual plant for the conservatory and as a cut flower. This half hardy perennial is best grown as a half hardy annual…
Sow the seeds one inch deep in rows that are three feet apart. The seeds generally germinate intwo to 12 days. Okra will grow in many soil types, so mulch and fertilize as needed. Once the plants start to grow, thin them so they are spaced 12 to 18 inches apart.
Grown from Burning Bush seeds, this feathery bush is pale green in the summer, but then transforms to an intense red in the fall. Kochia Trichophylla Burning Bush is symmetrical and oval in form and makes an outstanding foliage plant. The Kochia bush is truly one of a kind and brings a great addition to the flower garden. It reaches…
The plant perform best in big size containers (8inh or more) or plant them on ground Sunlight: The cockscomb flower requires full sun to do best. Celosia plants require a minimum of eight hours of direct sunlight. Soil: Celosia plants require soil that drains quickly. Poorly draining planting sites can cause them to develop root rot. Celosias will grow in nutrient-poor, sandy…
Germination usually takes7-10 days, after which you can move your seedlings to a warm, sunny windowsill (or heated greenhouse). Keep the compost evenly moist but take care not to let it get soaking wet.