Spiders are skilled predators, using their webs to trap unsuspecting pests. While most spiders are harmless, discovering a spider web in your home can be an unsettling experience.
Spiders are a diverse group of arthropods found throughout the world. Some species are tiny, while others, such as the tarantula, are very large. Although most common house spiders are harmless, widow spiders and brown recluse spiders are two common venomous types in the Pakistan.
Basic biology of spiders:
Spiders are voracious predators, feeding on insects, other spiders and even small mammals and reptiles.
Spiders are voracious predators, feeding on insects, other spiders and even small mammals and reptiles.
Spiders have four pairs of legs, while insects have three pairs of legs. They possess modified appendages called pedipalps located in the front by the mouth, which in some species resemble an extra set of legs.
Most spiders have eight simple eyes located on the front of the cephalothorax, but some spiders have fewer eyes. The arrangement of these eyes is often used to distinguish between various species of spiders.
The abdomen is unsegmented and contains the genital structures, spiracles and the spinnerets used to spin silk.
Many types of spiders spin some type of web, and the shape or type of web is often as distinctive as the spider itself. Other spiders are active hunters that move about looking for prey, but they do not spin webs.
Avoiding bites:
If your home has a brown recluse spider infestation, you can reduce the chances of bites by following these recommendations:
Clothing can be stored in sealed plastic bags inside drawers or inside plastic storage compartments hanging in closets. Shoes can be stored inside plastic shoe boxes.
Clothes that have been left on the floor, in a clothing basket or are otherwise exposed should always be shaken well and inspected before being put on.
Beds should be moved out so they do not touch walls or curtains. Bed skirts around the box springs should be removed from beds, and bedspreads coming near or touching the floor should not be used.
How to get rid of spiders:
Some spiders may be harboring outdoors in piles of firewood and debris, under items lying on the ground or in voids in hollow blocks, while others may live in attics and crawl spaces or other areas throughout the home. A thorough, professional inspection from Terminix will reveal these hiding spots and help eliminate spiders from your home.

Spiders are relentless, but so are we. We'll treat the places you see and the places you can't, leaving spiders nowhere to hide and hunt in your home.
How spider control works:
Initial visit:
During your first visit, a Terminix technician will perform a comprehensive inspection and treatment of your home's interior and exterior. The exterior treatment creates a perimeter to keep pests out.
Ongoing service:
With each ongoing visit, we'll treat outside your home, fortifying the perimeter. And, if you request, we'll treat inside your home again.